Applications for the RSTMH Early Career Grants Programme 2024 are now open. Applicants are welcomed from every part of the world who are early career researchers and global health professionals but haven’t received funding of £5,000 or more in their name before. Researchers will be able to win a grant of up to £5,000. The project should be for up to one year and should cover any topic related to tropical medicine and global health. It should be across the lab, implementation, translation, and policy research spectrum. The project under the RSTMH Early Career Grants Programme should take up to one year to be completed, and it should start within three months of receiving RSTMH funding. The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) is a charity and membership society. It has been working to improve tropical medicine and global health since 1907. RSTMH is governed by a Board of Trustees and six Committees. RSTMH has been dedicated to global health since 1907.
There will be at least 230 grants provided under the RSTMH Early Career Grants Program 2024. The RSTMH 2024 Early Career Grants Programme aims to save lives and improve health worldwide through greater access and equity in healthcare at the global level. They help their members’ careers and bring together their collective knowledge and skills through different activities and opportunities for international students/researchers. They use their member’s expertise and skills to achieve change within the sector in funding, policy, or research. Their members are based in over 90 countries. All of them are at all stages of their careers and work across a multitude of disciplines from a range of sectors. They are usually a small team of eight. Still, they are supported by almost 1,000 volunteers from all over the world who deliver their work, including a network of country and student ambassadors.
The activities of RSTMH include publishing two internationally famed, peer-reviewed journals. They also work to deliver and support meetings and events all over the world. The most famous activity is that they provide grants yearly to early career researchers and recognize success in the sector through different medals and awards. They launched their five-year strategy in September 2017. The strategy was made following a six-month comprehensive review of RSTMH’s Board of Trustees, volunteers, staff team, members and Fellows, non-members and former members.
The mission of RSTMH is to be at the heart and top of the tropical medicine and global health community and to provide the knowledge and networks in all disciplines that drive impact in society and the world. Their scope of work has constantly changed according to the changes in tropical medicine and global health. In this 2024 RSTMH Early Career Grants program strategy, they use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as their context to help them recognize the importance of animal and planetary health. It will also help in understanding the underlying social, economic, structural, and environmental factors that determine health worldwide as part of their work scope. Their activities help people learn how to develop a research question, form a budget, select the best methodology, and determine realistic outcomes. RSTMH is hosting a webinar for all interested persons to hear more about the Program and application process.
More Details About the RSTMH 2024 Early Career Grants Programme:
2024 RSTMH Early Career Grants:
In 2024, RSTMH will be providing at least 230 grants.
RSTMH Early Career Grant Duration:
Up to one year.