Application for Youth and Sustainable Development Forum 2019 in Benin is open now
After the Forum for Action for Sustainable Development and the Role of Youth in September 2018 focused on SDG 1: “Eliminating poverty in all its forms and throughout the world”, ACSAC is organizing this year’s Forum Youth and Sustainable Development that will address the SDGs. 8: “Promote sustained, shared and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”
In Benin, youth employment suffers from enormous deficiencies because 30.4% of young people are visibly underemployed through the number of working hours and 63.2% are not seen through a precarious and indecent salary. In addition, only 7.9% of young people benefit from paid employment in Benin and this percentage highlights the difficulties of absorbing the labor supply of young people by the labor market and the need for young people to take charge.
The Sustainable Development Goals promote sustained economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation by 2030. However, four years have passed and the question remains: What are the solutions for a strategic participation of the Youth in the plenary? employment and economic growth in Benin? ?
It is to answer this question that is organized, within the framework of the fourth anniversary of the 2030 Agenda, the Forum for Youth and Sustainable Development 2019.