The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is accepting applications for the Patrimonito Storyboard Competition 2022. The theme for the UNESCO storyboard competition 2022 is World Heritage and Climate Change. Young people all around the are invited to participate in this educational program. UNESCO competition 2022 seeks young people to use their creative and problem-solving skills to raise awareness about the climate change affecting the World Heritage sites. The best submission of the Patrimonito Storyboard competition will be professionally produced into animated films for international distribution to schools and at World Heritage education events.
Climate change is the most pressing problem in today’s world. It is one of the greatest threats faced by culture and heritage. Most of the natural and cultural heritage sites named on the World Heritage List are threatened by climate change. Due to climate change, there have been many natural disasters, including wildfires, storms, floods, and mass bleaching events. Climate change has a massive impact on human societies, cultural diversity, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the world’s natural and cultural heritage. Heritage sites are the source of oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, festive events, and traditional knowledge. Rapidly increasing Climate change is causing a significant threat to these things as well. Therefore, it is essential for all generations to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and help save the world sites.
Patrimonito’s World Heritage Adventure is a cartoon series carried under the World Heritage Education Programme since 2002. Through a “by young people, for young people’ approach, they intend to raise awareness of the significance of heritage preservation among the youth. They invite young people to convey the message of World Heritage preservation to their peers.
Therefore, young people are invited to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to address the issue of climate change and its impact on World Heritage sites. This international competition requires to propose solutions or measures that would help address these challenges. So, use your creative skills to make a change in the world and apply for Patrimonito Storyboard Competition 2022. The deadline to apply for this competition is 16 October 2022.