Applications are now open for the AAUW International Fellowship program in the USA. USA, 2020. The AAUW International Scholarship program has been in existence since 1917. The program provides support to women doing graduate or full-time postgraduate studies in the US. UU. And they are not US citizens too, permanent residents. In addition, there are a limited number of prizes available to study outside the US. UU. (Excluding the applicant’s country of origin) for women who are members of Graduate Women International (see the GWI affiliate list). Preference is given to women who show a prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community or professional work. Members and officers of the AAUW Board of Directors are not eligible to apply for scholarships and also award prizes. In addition, AAUW staff or volunteers with decision-making authority who wish to request a prize must withdraw from the decision-making process.