The Green Talents Competition invites young scientists from all over the world to present their ideas on how to make the earth greener and bring in more sustainability.
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research annually hosts the Green Talents International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development. The purpose of Green Talents is to promote sustainability, come up with ideas that help the environment and make the earth greener. It is also to encourage international cooperation and exchange.
If you are a scientist with an idea to make the world greener and encourage sustainability, sign up for the Green Talents Competition 2021. Winners will work in Germany on sustainability research. Applications close on the 19th of May 2021.
The theme of the Green Talents Competition 2021 is the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Applicants must decide which of the 17 goals they wish to base their research on for the Green Talents Competition 2021.