Applications are called for the Rise up Youth Champions Initiative Program 2021. Young leaders from Pakistan, India, the United States of America, Rwanda and Ethiopia who possess leadership skills and stood up for sexual and reproductive health rights and justice movement are invited to apply for the Champions program. The program aims to help young leaders to improve by providing them with an opportunity to learn about the advanced skills of new methods of innovation and awareness, to educate people about sexual and reproductive health rights and justice.
Awareness and knowledge about reproductive health is important, yet this issue is not acknowledged. Rise Up has initiated this program intending to invest in young leaders to enable them to work on large scale models, technology, advocacy and innovation to bring up this matter. 22 young leaders in Pakistan, India, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Mississippi and Louisiana will get a chance to participate in the 2021 cohort. Youth Champions initiative will award $12,000 as a grant to the champions and their organizations for the purpose of health and rights projects during incubation.