UNILEAD exchange program is an amazing exchange program in Germany for professionals to enhance and polish their skills. The DIES (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) University Leadership and Management Training program (UNILEAD) is a joint initiative of the University of Oldenburg and DAAD. The program is fully funded, covering all the expenses of candidates, including roundtrip travel, accommodation, meals and emergency expenses.
The main aim of the UNILEAD exchange program is to increase the potential of young leaders of developing countries that will help in the development of their countries. In addition, UNILEAD aims to provide training on personal development in leadership and management so that they can more efficiently work on organizational development. The University of Oldenburg is one of the top-ranked public universities in Germany.
The UNILEAD exchange program is divided into three modules. The first module is “project management training,” which will focus on the financial management of projects and project management methodologies. The second module is “strategic management and academic leadership,” it will focus on the tools and approaches for strategic management and gaining leadership competencies. The third module is “human resource management,” which focuses on conflict management, effective communication and approaches to human resource development. Some other areas that will be covered in this training are; risk management, confidence, team-building a webinar on digital transformation in higher education.