Opportunities Circle is here with a research fellowship. TWAS-SISSA-Lincei Research Fellowship is open now! It is an excellent opportunity for young scientists from least developed countries to pursue research in Europe. The international fellowship allows young researchers and scientists to visit research laboratories at the Centre of Excellence in Trieste, Italy, to carry out collaborative research projects in the fields relevant to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Candidates holding an MSc or higher degree can apply for this fully funded fellowship.
The duration of this research fellowship in Italy is three months. Research proposals must be related to sustainability science and relevant to the fields offered. Candidates can check the eligible fields and projects on the official website; the link is provided at the end of this article. This exchange fellowship aims to improve the research capacity of talented scientists, especially those in the initial phase of their research career, and to encourage the growth of research connections for additional collaboration.
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation is collaborating with UNESCO-TWAS. The UNESCO Fellowship will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence accommodation costs. The administration and financial operation of TWAS are under UNESCO after an agreement is signed between the two organizations. Therefore, if you are a young scientist with research relevant to SDG, start your application today! In addition, if you know any young researcher or scientist who might benefit from this fellowship in Europe, do share this opportunity as sharing is caring.
Here are more details about the TWAS-SISSA-Lincei Research Fellowship
Host Institutes:
- International School for Advanced Studies
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
- National Institute for Nuclear Physics (only one host supervisor available: Prof. Andrea Vacchi)
- National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
- University of Trieste
- University of Udine
- Materials Foundry-National Research Council