Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 | Chance to Win USD 10,000

The Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 is open to all creative and talented individuals worldwide. The theme for the Fiction competition is Imagine the Life of a Young Person in the World of 2050. The Social Fiction Design Competition is an exciting opportunity for students and young people to imagine a young person’s life in the world of 2050. Applications are open for the Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 and will close on 15 December 2022.

The international competition aims to enhance thinking and creativity to build a global literacy and visionary society by empowering youth to transform the world with innovative ideas. Participants will take real social challenges around them and share fictional solutions to solve them. The Social Fiction Design Competition asks visionaries and dreamers worldwide with a talent for creative writing to share how they hope to see the world and the lives of young people in the year 2050. This free competition is a global forum that encourages the Social Fiction of a world unburdened by social and environmental injustices that plague the communities. Moreover, it all starts with imagination!

This competition is a collaboration between Yunus Centre and YY Ventures to introduce the Social Business Design Competition to promote social innovation and entrepreneurship among young talent. They are looking for 1000-5000 words of fiction portraying the world they want to live in. Their mission is to make a world of three zeros: zero net carbon emission and zero unemployment by unleashing entrepreneurship and zero wealth centralization to end poverty.

The Social Fiction Competition is looking for innovative social fiction that will open minds to give a fresh viewpoint on operating in a transformative, sustainable and equitable world. Social Fiction links to creating ideas, thoughts or processes that impact the social context. If we start thinking about social fiction, like science fiction, we will trigger social innovation to help us build the society and community we want to live in. If we imagine it, one day, reality will follow. It is an excellent opportunity for young people and students. Participants can come up with fictional ideas to resolve real-world social problems. Competitions will encourage students to think creatively, innovate, and develop an entrepreneurial perspective that leads to long-term solutions to real-world problems, thus empowering future citizens.

Fiction reveals the truth that reality obscures. Submit your writing proposal for creating the world you want to live in and get a chance to win the whopping prize of $10,000! Participants will get a platform that stimulates social innovation by enabling the creative expression of fictional solutions by participating in competitions. The deadline for the Fiction Competition is 15 December 2022.

  • Country: Online
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: December 15, 2022
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    Eligibility Criteria :

    Imagination is a gift. Don’t waste it! The call for the Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 is now open! Apply now, but before you start your application for the Social Fiction Design Competition, check the criteria and requirements below.

    Eligibility Criteria for the Social Fiction Design Contest 2023

    • No age limit is required to participate.
    • Open to participants from all countries.
    • Open to all nationalities.
    • A minimum of thousand and a maximum of five-thousand words are required to participate in a competition.
    • There can be multiple submissions but for every submission, an attachment of the writing (1000-5000 words) for the Social Fiction is a must.

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    Benefits :

    The prizes for winning in Social Fiction Design Competition are yet another driving force for Fiction writers to participate in the competition. You can be one of the winners. Hurry up! Here are the benefits of the Social Fiction Design Competition.

    Benefits of the Social Fiction Design Competition

    • A chance to win USD 10,000 as the competition’s winner.
    • Webinar with social thinkers and fiction writers to understand how fiction and social issues intersect.
    • Opportunity to be recognized on a global platform of judges, participants and the Yunus network audience.
    • Recognition certificates will be given to the top participants.
    • Exposure to the Yunus network and recognition and acknowledgement in the Social Business ecosystem.

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    Application Process:

    • The application and submission process is online.
    • You can click on the apply now button below and start the application form. You can save the application and submit it later as well.
    • However, the application form must be submitted before the deadline ends.
    • The deadline for the Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 is 15 December 2022.

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    Application Process:

    • The application and submission process is online.
    • You can click on the apply now button below and start the application form. You can save the application and submit it later as well.
    • However, the application form must be submitted before the deadline ends.
    • The deadline for the Social Fiction Design Competition 2023 is 15 December 2022.

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