Applications are open for the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Scholarship in China. Shanghai government is inviting international students to apply for a fully-funded scholarship at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Shanghai Jiao Tong University scholarship is offered to pursue a Master’s and PhD degree program in China. The scholarships are offered to all nationalities and all students.
IELTS/TOEFL is required, but if you are from an English-speaking country or have completed your previous degree in English (taught in English and exams attempted in the English language), then an official certificate with a letterhead from the institute can be submitted. 200 Shanghai Jiao Tong scholarships are awarded to international students each year.
The scholarship duration for a Master’s degree is 2 years while for PhD it is 4 years maximum. All academic fields are offered to study at university. The Shanghai Jiao Tong University offers a wide range of degree programs.
Chinese scholarships are excellent opportunities if you want to study abroad. China has announced a massive number of scholarships under the Chinese Government Scholarship program. The Shanghai Jiao Tong University scholarship will cover monthly stipend, accommodation and medical insurance.
University is offering different scholarships, i.e., CSC Scholarships, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Scholarship. Shanghai Jiao Tong University hosts Approx. 7000, international students from different countries. There are other scholarships, too; if you don’t want to apply for this scholarship but do not miss this chance to study abroad without paying a penny or worrying about expenses.
Here are more details about the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Scholarship
Doctoral Programs in English:
Civil Engineering
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Power Engineering and Thermophysics
Nuclear Science and Technology
Instrumental Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Science and Technology
Information and Communication Engineering
Control Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Cyberspace Security
Material Science and Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Technology
Foreign languages and Literature
Public Administration
Food Science and Engineering
Doctor of Juridical Science
Journalism and Communication
Fields for Master’s Program:
Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Power Engineering and Thermophysics
Nuclear Science and Technology
Instrument Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Science and Technology
Information and Communication Engineering
Control Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Cyber Security
Material Science and Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chinese Language and Literature
Chinese History
Chinese Philosophy
Foreign Languages and Literature
Mechanical Engineering
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Electronic Science and Technology
Information and Communication Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Master of Business Administration
Master of Finance
International MBA program
Political Science
Public Administration
Environmental Science and Engineering
Resources and Environment
Science and Law
Journalism and Communication