Opportunities circle is bringing another great opportunity for women from Arab countries L’Oréal-UNESCO Maghreb Fellowships for Women in Science 2020
The young talents of the Maghreb L’Oréal-UNESCO for women in science aim to promote the participation of young women in science. This program determines and rewards youth.
talented researchers in biological sciences (biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, biotechnology, ecology, biochemistry) and physical sciences (physics,
chemistry, mathematics, engineering, information science, earth and universe science).
Founded in 2007, the Maghreb L’Oréal-UNESCO Program aims to distinguish young female researchers for the quality of their work and to encourage them to pursue a brilliant career in science.
The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Maghreb 2020 Talents will be awarded to 5 young women scientists from 4 different countries in the Maghreb: Algeria,
Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
The Maghreb Young Talents program is established within the framework of a partnership between the L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO.
As established by the regional jury, the selection criteria are as follows:
- The excellence of the applicant’s academic portfolio (including the number, quality, and impact of their publications, conference presentations, patents …).
- The scientific quality of the research project.
- The innovative and promising nature of the research work (relevant, original, unique …) and its implementation in science.
- The socioeconomic impact of the project / research.
- The candidate’s professional experience.
Here are some more details about L’Oréal-UNESCO Maghreb Fellowships for Women in Science 2020