The International Women’s Hackathon 2019 for International Women’s Day has returned with its 5th edition, IWH 2019.
This edition of International Women’s Hackathon focuses on being a hackathon of women and a platform for them to show their true talents and build ideas in important sectors such as Financial Technology, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Blockchain.
Women are a highly underestimated group in the STEM field. With only 20% of technological jobs in the hands of women, it is time to make a change. Stereotypes, prejudices, lack of mentors and gender inequality in general are some of the main factors that prevent women from pursuing their interests and realizing their potential.
The International Women’s Hackathon 2019 supports the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day: “Think the same, build intelligently, innovate for change” and promote women developers around the world. In that spirit, HackerEarth launches the IWH 2019 on International Women’s Day and invites innovative women, promoters, creators, designers and hackathon enthusiasts to show their projects to the world and take them to the next level.