
Harvard University Free Online Course on Contract Law

Opportunities Circle is bringing another amazing Opportunity for you Harvard University Free Online Course on Contract Law

Learn more about contracts with Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, one of the world’s leading authorities on contract law. Contracts are promises that the law will enforce. But when will the law refuse to keep a promise? What happens when one of the parties fails to fulfill their end of the bargain? This version of the course adds new units on interpretation, agency, associations, corporations, and government regulation.

We are exposed to contracts in all areas of our lives – we agree to terms by downloading new software, hiring a contractor to repair a leaky roof, and even ordering a meal at a restaurant. Knowing the principles of contracts is not only a skill that lawyers need, but it illuminates for all a crucial institution that we use all the time and that we generally take for granted.

This contract law course, with new materials and updated case examples, is designed to introduce the range of issues that arise when entering into and enforcing contracts. It will provide an introduction to what a contract is and will also discuss the purpose and importance of contracts. Then, you will discuss the intention to create legal relationships, legality and morality, and the distinction between gifts and business. The course also investigates common mistakes: one-sided promises, mistakes, fraud, and frustrations. With knowledge of what contracts do and how they can go wrong, Professor Fried will discuss solutions and specific performance. Finally, Professor Fried will present how contracts can create rights for third parties.

Course instructor Charles Fried has been teaching at Harvard Law School for more than 50 years and has written extensively on contracts. Not only is Professor Fried a leading authority on contract law, he also uses a narrative approach to explain the subject, creating a unique and interesting classroom experience.

Here are some more details about the Harvard University Free Online Course on Contract Law

Table of Contents

  • Country: Online
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligible Regions: Anyone can apply for this online course
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    Eligibility Criteria :

    There are no specified eligibility criteria for the Harvard University Free Online Course on Contract Law. Anyone who wants to learn this can enroll in the course especially for law students this course is highly recommended.

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    Benefits :

    What you will learn:

    • Skip to what you want to learn
    • The theoretical background of contracts, trust, and promise.
    • How to form contracts by valid offer and acceptance.
    • Limits to enforce contracts.
    • Issues that excuse contractual performance.
    • Resources available for contractual breaches.
    • Third-party ability to enforce contracts.
    • The limitations of contract law.
    • How Courts Interpret Contracts.
    • Relationship of contracts with agency, society, corporations and regulation.
    • How to read the contracts to apply these key concepts and understand potential issues and outcomes.

    Official and Verified
    Receive an instructor-signed certificate with the institution’s logo to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects

    Easily Shareable
    Add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn

    Proven way of motivation
    Give yourself an additional incentive to complete the course

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    Application Process:

    Please follow the link to apply for the Harvard University Free Online Course on Contract Law .There are charges of verified certification if you want to get more skills and want to learn you can do course for free

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