Applications for the Goi Peace International Essay Contest are open now. This program is an activity that comes under the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development, in which they are working towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030). The Goi Peace International Essay Competition is organized annually to harness the creativity, energy, and initiative to promote a culture of peace and sustainable development. This fully funded competition aims to inspire and motivate society to learn from young people’s minds and think about how we can make a difference in the world. If you are a young writer or a person who wants to change society through his thoughts, this is an amazing chance for you.
Young people have sharp minds and can think wisely and critically, so using young people’s minds to motivate others is a great step. Goi Peace International Essay Contest 2024 is also a good chance for people who want to change the world. In this competition, people can express their thoughts through the essay. This is an international competition, so people participating in this contest can convey their positive thoughts to society internationally. Winners will get a chance to be recognized on an international platform. It is an online competition, so young people from any part of the world can apply. Moreover, this contest awards cash prizes to the winners. This Goi Peace International Essay Contest 2024 is a free essay contest, and you can participate without fees.
We all know that our society needs a change, and people working to make a change and achieve sustainable development goals need a platform to express their ideas and turn them into reality. This Goi Peace International Essay Contest 2024 is a great opportunity to convert your revolutionary thoughts and ideas into actions. The theme of the contest is “My Experience of Overcoming Conflict.” The theme reflects that this online essay contest 2024 will be based on conflicts that arose due to different reasons, how to tackle them, and how this experience helped you. Goi Peace Foundation will also provide a free certificate to the participants. Applicants can download it from the online registration page after submitting the essay. So what are you waiting for? Send in your submissions for the Goi Peace international essay contest for Young People.
More Details About the Goi Peace International Essay Contest 2024:
Theme for the International Essay Competition 2024:
“My Experience of Overcoming Conflict”
According to the theme, you have to write an essay describing how conflicts can occur for a variety of reasons, including differences in values and opinions. And your experience of overcoming a conflict? Your learning from that experience? How do you want to benefit from and use what you learned for your society and your own life?