The Application for Ebbe Neilsen Award 2021 is open !!!
The 2021 Ebbe Nielsen Challenge was opened to recognize innovative entries influencing biodiversity data and tools from the GBIF network to advance open science. GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Service, is an international network and data infrastructure funded by the world’s governments and whose goal is to provide anyone, anywhere, open access to data on all types of life in the world. Land.
The works will be evaluated by an expert judge. The judge will then present a selected group of winners. Between January 20 and August 2, 2021, individuals and teams can prepare tools and techniques that improve the access, usefulness and quality of open biodiversity data and submit them to this annual open incentive competition.
Challenge entries can take any number of methodologies. Contestants can choose to develop new applications, visualizations, methods, workflows, or analytics, often making use of the GBIF API to access the data. They can also leverage or extend the capabilities of existing tools and features available throughout the GBIF network. Organizers encourage competitors to review past winners, as well as past winning entries, for ideas, problems, or approaches they wish to pursue.
Multiple stakeholder groups, including data users, data owners, and data administrators, should benefit from the inputs. Contestants may want to review the GBIF Communications Strategy to see how we describe GBIF audiences.