Community Surgeons Travel Awards 2020 in USA

Application for  Community Surgeons Travel Awards  is open now .The International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) is pleased to announce travel awards for surgeons from 30 to 50 years of age. These awards, in the amount of $ 4,000 each, give international emergencies the opportunity to attend and participate fully in the educational activities of the annual clinical conference of the ACS. They aim to help surgeons who work in community or regional clinics or clinics in countries other than the United States and Canada, or who come from academic departments of surgery with limited resources in countries with few resources.

A new Prize has been donated to the Community Surgeon through the generosity of the Doctors Duremdes family designated for Philippine surgeons. It gives preference to the meritorious applications of the provinces of Iloilo, the island of Panay and the non-urban communities of the Philippines.

Each winner will receive a free registration for the annual Clinical Congress and for a postgraduate course available during the Clinical Congress. Assistance will be provided to obtain preferential housing in a budget hotel in the city of the Clinical Congress. In 2020, the Clinical Congress will take place in Chicago, IL, from October 4 to 8.

All applications for the year 2019 and all supporting documentation must be received online no later than July 1, 2019, for the applicant to receive consideration from the selection committee. All applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision in November 2019. Applicants are urged to submit their completed applications and supporting documents as soon as possible to provide sufficient time for processing.

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) is a scientific and educational surgeon association that was founded in 1913 to improve the quality of surgical patient care by setting high standards for education and surgical practice. The American College of Surgeons is dedicated to improving surgical patient care and safeguarding standards of care in an environment of optimal and ethical practice.

  • Country: USA
  • Financial coverage: Partially Funded
  • Eligible Regions: anyone can apply
  • Deadline: July 1, 2019
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    Eligibility Criteria :

    • Applicants must be graduates of medical schools who have completed their surgical training.
    • Applicants must be at least 30 years old, but less than 50 years old, on the date of filing the completed application.
    • Applicants must submit their applications from their intended permanent location. Applications will be accepted for processing only when applicants have been in surgical practice, teaching or research for a minimum of one year at their intended permanent location, after completing all formal training (including scholarships and scholarships).
    • Applicants must show evidence of commitment to high quality surgery, surgical teaching and improve access to surgical care in their community.
    • Applicants must submit an application form completed by the College on their website. The application and the accompanying materials must be submitted in English. The presentation of a curriculum vitae alone is not acceptable.
    • Preference will be given to applicants who have not yet received training or surgical fellowships in the United States. United States or Canada.
    • Applicants must submit letters of recommendation prepared independently by three (3) of their colleagues. A letter should be from the president of the department in which they have a clinical or academic appointment or from a member of the American College of Surgeons residing in their country. The letter from the president or member is to directly address the commitment of the applicant with high-quality surgery, surgical teaching and improve access to surgical care at the local level. The people making the recommendations should send letters of recommendation.
    • The Community Surgeon Travel Awards must be used in the year for which they were designated. They can not be postponed.
    • Adepts are expected to provide a written report upon returning home, specifically focusing on the value of the visit to the awardee and the possible beneficial effect for patients in the country of origin.
    • Unsuccessful applicants can reapply only twice and only by completing and submitting a new application along with the new supporting documentation.

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    Benefits :

    Each winner will receive a free registration in the annual Clinical Congress and in a postgraduate course available during the Clinical Congress.
    The $ 4,000 travel grant will be awarded to successful participants.
    Assistance will be provided to obtain preferential housing in a budget hotel in the city of the Clinical Congress.

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