Hey everyone we know you all know we are going through a bad time due to Corona Virus pandemic . It is time to stay home and save yourself from the Corona virus Opportunities circle Bring 2 courses offered by coursera and Future learn where you can learn more about the corona virus and secure yourself and your family and your community from this disease
we recommend you to take these course so you can cure yourself
In response to the outbreak, Imperial College London has organized a free course (offered through Coursera) called Science matters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19. The course will teach you the “science behind the new corona virus outbreak,” so you can understand “how the spread of the epidemic is modeled, how the transmissibility of infections is estimated, what are the challenges in estimating the fatality rate, and also … the importance of community participation in the response to the epidemic. ” You can start this course right now.
On the other hand Future lean with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine offered a course
Understand the emergence of COVID-19 and how we respond to it going forward
The world is paying close attention to the outbreak of novel coronavirus, following its emergence in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.
With the outbreak of a novel coronavirus declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, people worldwide are working to address it.
On this course, you’ll learn the latest of what we know about COVID-19, presented by international experts.
The purpose of this course
This course is provided for personal use only and not for any commercial, professional medical or business purpose. All content and opinions presented throughout this course are for educational purposes only and do not constitute the provision of professional medical or public health advice.
You should not rely on the content of this course or other learners in place of professional advice from a regulated medical professional.
If you have any concerns about a particular health condition or COVID-19, please seek the most current medical and/or public health advice from a qualified medical practitioner.
LSHTM shall not be liable, to the maximum extent permitted by UK law, for any adverse or negative consequence arising from your reliance on the information contained in this course, or for any commercial use by a business or medical practitioner, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
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